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Our Concept
Successful Ingredients to a Designer/Client Partnership:

1.Designing should be an exciting, fun and enjoyable process from start to finish.

2.Establish a realistic budget for all components:  Construction – Furniture – Accessories – Art.

3.Be decisive in your selection decisions and trust your first judgment.

4.The entire team should always be open to change to ensure we make the best decision.

5.Never change the design in mid-stream unless you are willing to start over.

6.Do not let a new piece of furniture become an intrusion to the room.  Give it time and consideration.

7.We do not live in a perfect world – either do our manufacturers or the freight forwarders.  Furniture dings and blemishes can be repaired on site and become part of its character.

The Design Guild Process


-  Design Concept, Materials and Colors
-  Budget Planning and Cost Estimates
    *Construction/Build Out by Amco Construction and Remodeling LLC, CGC #1514840.
    *Furniture & Accessories
    *Art and Antiques
    *Turn Key Furnishings (Kitchen, Linens and Towels, etc.     
-  Client Artwork Selection (Gallery – Fine – Collectible Art)


-  Floor Plans, Sample Materials and Design Changes
-  Design Time Schedules, Action Plan and Final Budget


-  Ordering of All Building and Furnishing Materials
-  Construction Management by Amco Construction and Remodeling LLC, CGC #1514840.

 Furniture Installation

-  Client Shopping Assistance
-  Turn Key Furnishings and Accessories


-Real Estate Marketing and Realtor MLS Services
-Rental Management and Advertising Programs

Estimate of Costs

Phases I and II are contracted on a time consulting basis at $150.00/hour with a 40 hour estimate for each phase.  Once these 2 phases are completed, we are ready to order and install your entire project requirements under Phase III.

-  To complete Phase III Build-Out Services, estimate costs are normally $37.50/sf (carpet) and $50.00/sf (marble)
-  To complete Phase III Interior Furnishings, approximate $50.00/sf (not including artwork,
   electronics & patio furniture)
(Note:  Phases I and II are always billed separately and are not included in the above cost estimates of Phase III.  We can design any specific Phase III budget tailored to your specific requirements.)


P e r s o n a l   S e l e c t i o n s :
To allow clients to maintain budget objectives with personally selected preferences, the following areas are budgeted separately from Phase III.
-  Artwork:  Gallery Art, Glass and Ceramics, Sculptures, Objects d’Art, Antiques, Collectible Items
-  Electronics:  Flat Screen TV (Living Room and Master) with DVD Player, Televisions in other Bedrooms, Stereo System and Speakers
-  Patio Furniture:  Tables and Chairs, Chaise Lounges, Urns and Landscape
-  Turn Key Furnishings:  Kitchenware, Utensils, Cookware, Dining China, Linens, Towels, Drawer Trays, Computer Printer, Telephones, Fax, Vacuum, Cleaning, Accessories, Fountain, Bathroom Sink Items, and As Requested


The "Design Guild Interiors" Advantage
•Design Team:  Design Director: Donna Fayerman ASID - Project Coordinator/Realtor: Peter Fayerman, President

•Great Design Sources, Manufacturers, Importers, and Antique Dealer Network
•On Site Management and Detailed Project Scheduling
•Direct Communications with Principals
•Low Overhead and Administrative Costs
•Reduced Travel Expenses

Disciplined Budget and Cost Management with over 35 years of Design Experience

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